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Is it time for a marketing review

27.09.24 07:30 PM By Sandy - Comment(s)

Marketing: The exchange of services for value. Marketing is not unlike other aspects of a business, you can get in a rut, and continue doing the same old things day in and day out. It's easy to set and forget and get on with working on your core business activities. However, it's always...

This is #onecoolmag

04.03.21 11:19 AM By Sandy - Comment(s)
This is #onecoolmag. Boost your online or off-market efforts with this very cool property catalogue. From flip book to online brochure, all with one link from your mobile.

Going Paperless in Real Estate. Is this really a thing?

29.10.20 04:40 PM By Sandy - Comment(s)
Is Print Marketing still relevant? Printed marketing and digital marketing in the real estate space should work together in this rapidly changing world.

Online Property Magazine

20.10.20 08:07 AM By Sandy - Comment(s)

I often tell clients that the hardest decision to make with the magazine is what to put on the cover. It's also best to try and keep with a format which saves you time in an otherwise busy day. The easier it is to put out a great looking magazine, the more likely you will be to publish it more regul...

This is #onecoolmag

07.10.20 05:48 PM By Sandy - Comment(s)
This is #onecoolmag. Boost your online or off-market efforts with this very cool property catalogue. From flip book to online brochure, all with one link from your mobile.