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Going Paperless in Real Estate. Is this really a thing?

29.10.20 04:40 PM By Sandy - Comment(s)
Is Print Marketing still relevant? Printed marketing and digital marketing in the real estate space should work together in this rapidly changing world.

Online Property Magazine

20.10.20 08:07 AM By Sandy - Comment(s)

I often tell clients that the hardest decision to make with the magazine is what to put on the cover. It's also best to try and keep with a format which saves you time in an otherwise busy day. The easier it is to put out a great looking magazine, the more likely you will be to publish it more regul...

Welcome to myrealestate.express

12.09.20 06:04 PM By Sandy - Comment(s)

We do a lot of research in the real estate space, so we thought we'd share what we've learned. Hear from peers, see what the movers & shakers in the game are doing. Find some new products, get some inspiration, or find something new to watch, read or listen to. Welcome to myrealestate.express